Package 'zooimage'

Title: Analysis of Numerical Plankton Images
Description: A free (open source) solution for analyzing digital images of plankton. In combination with ImageJ, a free image analysis system, it processes digital images, measures individuals, trains for automatic classification of taxa, and finally, measures plankton samples (abundances, total and partial size spectra or biomasses, etc.).
Authors: Philippe Grosjean [aut, cre], Kevin Denis [aut], Guillaume Wacquet [aut]
Maintainer: Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 5.5.2
Built: 2025-02-14 04:26:41 UTC

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ZooImage: analysis of digital plankton images


ZooImage is a free (open source) solution for analyzing digital images of plankton. In combination with ImageJ, a free image analysis system, it processes digital images, measures individuals, trains for automatic classification of taxa, and finally, measures plankton samples (abundances, total and partial size spectra or biomasses, etc.)


Package: zooimage
Type: Package
Version: 5.5.2
Date: 2018-06-28
License: GPL 2 or above at your convenience.


Philippe Grosjean, Kevin Denis & Guillaume Wacquet, Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems, Mons University, Belgium. A part of the early concepts of ZooImage are inspired from PVA by Xabier Irigoien, Guillermo Boyra & Igor Arregi, AZTI Technalia, Spain, with their autorization. Angel Lopez-Urrutia, Centro Oceanografico de Gijon, IEO, Spain, also contributed to the initial concept during early discussions. No code come from them, however. Mike Sieracki, Ben Tupper et al for the FIT VIS plugin (FlowCAM images process in ImageJ -FitVIS-, but this pulgin is not used any more by default in the current version).

Maintainer: Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

The software was funded, and is the property of:

- The University of Mons, Belgium, - Belgian Scientific Policy (BelSpo), Belgium, that contributed by funding the AMORE III project. - IFREMER, France, through a co-funded research collaboration with the University of Mons.

The ZooImage error correction (manual validation) tools


Open a web page for manual validation and error correction of predicted abundances in samples.


correctError(zidb, classifier, data = zidbDatRead(zidb), mode = "validation",
fraction = 0.05, sample.min = 100, sample.max = 200, grp.min = 2,
random.sample = 0.1, algorithm = "rf", diff.max = 0.2, = NULL,
reset = TRUE, result = NULL)

addItemsToTrain(train, CtxSmp, add.mode = "SV+NSV", threshold = NA,
    dropItemsToTrain = dropItemsToTrain)
dropItemsToTrain(train, cl, drop.nb)

activeLearning(train, add.mode = "SV+NSV", threshold = NA)



Path to a Zidb file.


A ZIClass object appropriate for this sample and the desired classification.


A ZIDat or a ZITest object matching that sample (by default, it is the ZIDat object contained in the zidb file).


The mode to use for error correction. By default, mode = "validation", where particles are manually validated. mode = "demo" is the same one, but it sorts particles according to the Class variable in data, ignoring changes made in the user interface (so that one can explain the logic of the process without care about how particles are manually resorted). Finally, mode = "stat" do not display the user interface at all and calculates all steps directly to show gain from the process from 0 to 100% of the particles validated.


The fraction of items to validate at each step (1/20th by default).


Minimal number of items to take at each step.


Maximal number of items to take at each step. In case the sample contains a very large number of items, the number of particles that are validated at each step are constrained by this parameter, and consequently, the total number of steps becomes large than 1/fraction, but usually, error correction allows to stop earlier.


Minimal number of items to take for each group, on average.


Fraction of random sample considered, when validating suspect items.


Machine learning algorithm used to detect suspect items.


Maximum difference allowed between probabilities in first and second class before considering the item is suspect.

Weight to apply to the groups for considering them as suspects (use biological or external considerations to build this).


Do we reset analysis in the case a temporary file already exists for that sample (recommended).


Name of the object in the calling environment where the results will be stored (ZITest object). If not provided or NULL, it is the basename of the zidb file without extension plus _valid.


the training set to complete.


the contextual samples containing validated items.


the mode for adding items, "SV": Validated Suspects, "NSV": Validated Non-Suspects, or "SV+NSV": both (by default)).


the maximal number of items in each class of training set. This is used to decide when to drop items for the reworked training set.


the function to use to drop items in the training set (depending on threshold). By default, it is dropItemsToTrain(), but it could also be a custom function that has the same arguments.


the class to consider.


the number of items to drop.


correctError() returns nothing. It is called for its side-effect to install a web interface for manual validation of samples.


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also



# TODO...

Various file utility functions used by ZooImage


These functions are usually not called directly by the user, but they are interesting for developers. They help to manage files in the context of ZooImage processes.


extensionPattern(extension = "r", = !grepl("[.]", extension))
hasExtension(file, extension = "r", pattern = extensionPattern(extension))

listFilesExt(dir, extension = "r", pattern = extensionPattern(extension), ... )
zimList(dir, ...)
zimDatList(dir, ...)
zipList(dir, ...)
zidList(dir, ...)
zidbList(dir, ...)
jpgList(dir, ...)
pngList(dir, ...)

checkFileExists(file, extension, message = "file not found: %s",
    force.file = FALSE)
checkDirExists(dir, message = 'Path "%s" does not exist or is not a directory')
checkEmptyDir(dir, message = 'dir "%s" is not empty')

checkFirstLine(file, expected = c("ZI1", "ZI2", "ZI3", "ZI4", "ZI5"), 
    message = 'file "%s" is not a valid ZooImage version <= 5 file')



lowercase version of the extension (the pattern will be constructed to be case-insensitive).

if a dot is not provided, it is added by default in front of the pattern.


one or more file names or file paths to check.


a pattern matching a given file extension.


further arguments passed to the function. Currently, not in use.


the directory to work with.


a warning message to provide (file/dirname replacement using %s).


make sure the item is a file, not a directory.


the expected content of the first line of the file.


All these function issue only warnings, no errors. Those functions that return TRUE or FALSE are designed to be used in batch mode.


A string with suitable pattern to match a file extension for extensionPattern().

The function noExtension() return base filenames without extensions.

A list of files with given extension for listFilesExt(), and xxxList() functions.

The other functions return TRUE or FALSE, depending if the tested condition is met or not.


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also



# Construct a suitable pattern to match extensions of TIFF image files
# Test if file names match given extensions (first 2 items only)
hasExtension(c("test1.tif", "test2.TIF", "test3.R"), "tif")
noExtension(c("test1.tif", "test2.TIF", "test3.R"))

# List all files with a given extension in a directory
ziDir <- system.file("examples", package = "zooimage")
listFilesExt(ziDir, "zid")
zidList(ziDir) # Idem

# Check that a file or a directory exists
zisFile <- file.path(ziDir, "Description.zis")

# Is this directory empty? (no)

# force (re)creation of a directory
tmpDir <- file.path(tempdir(), "testdir")
forceDirCreate(tmpDir)$isdir # yes
checkEmptyDir(tmpDir)   # yes

# Every .zis file must start with ZI1-5 => check this...

# Clean up
rm(ziDir, zisFile, tmpDir)

The ZooImage GUI (Graphical User Interface)


These function display menus and dialog boxes to access ZooImages function without programming. Most of them are not intended to be called directly.


aboutZI(graphical = FALSE)



If TRUE, a graphical dialog box displays the information. Otherwise, information is printed at the R console.


ZIDlg() is called for its side effect of dispalying the main ZooImage dialog box. aboutZI() gives sone information about the current ZooImage version. exitZI() unloads the zooimage package (for instance, to allow updating it). ZIUI() launches the error correction GUI using Shiny. The working dir must be in _analyze subdirectory of an analysis directory tree.

All the other functions are called for their side-effect and return value, if any, is not of primary importance.


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also



# The dialog box can be started just by issuing
# > ZIDlg()

Various GUI utility functions used by ZooImage


These functions are usually not called directly by the user, but they are interesting for developers. They allow to select elements through dialog boxes.


selectObject(class = "data.frame", default = "", multiple = FALSE,
    title = paste0("Choose a ", class, ":"))
selectList(class = "data.frame", default = "", multiple = FALSE,
    title = paste0("Choose a list (of ", class, "s):"))
selectFile(type = c("ZipZid", "ZimZis", "LstZid", "ZidZidb", "Zip", "Zid", "Zidb",
    "Zim", "Zis", "Zie", "Zic", "Img", "TifPgm", "RData"), multiple = FALSE,
    quote = TRUE, title = NULL)
selectGroups(groups, multiple = TRUE, title = "Select taxa you want to plot")


imageViewer(dir = getwd(), pgm = getOption("ZI.ImageViewer"))
startPgm(program, cmdline = "", switchdir = FALSE, iconize = FALSE, wait = FALSE)
modalAssistant(title, text, init, options = NULL, check = NULL,
    select.file = NULL, returnValOnCancel = "ID_CANCEL", help.topic = NULL)



the class of objects to retrieve (or class of list components for selectList()).


the default item selected in the list.


are multiple selections allowed?


the title of the dialog box.


the type of file to list in selection dialog box.


do we add quotes (\") around file names?


a list of groups to select from.


a ZIDat object.


directory to open in the image viewer.


program to use as image viewer. If not provided and not defined in the option(ZI.ImageViewer = ...), then, a reasonable default program is used (the file explorer is no better program found).


name of the program to start. It must match an entry in R options giving the actual executable that correspond to that program.


the command line to run to start this program.


do we switch R current directory to the directory where the program is located?


in case the ZooImage assistant is open, do we iconize it?


do we wait that the external program is closed?


textual explanations to show in the modal assistant.


initial values for the modal assistant.


options to select in the modal assistant.


checkbox to add in the modal assistant.


prompt for a file to select in the modal assistant.


what to return if the user clicks the Cancel button in the modal assistant dialog box?


help topic to associate with the Help button of the modal assistant dialog box.


As these functions are not made to be directly used by end-users, We don't give more details here. Developers interested to use these functions are encouraged to look at their code in the zooimage package source!


A string or vector of strings of selected items. character(0) is returned to indicate the user clicked 'Cancel', while an empty string ("") is returned in case there is no corresponding element found.

createThreshold() proposes a dialog box to create a threshold on one variable in a ZIDat object (indicate minimum and maximum value allowed for that variable).

For imageViewer(), TRUE or FALSE is returned invisibly, depending if the program could be lauched or not. The problem is reported in a warning.

startPgm() is mostly invoked for its side effect of starting an external program. Status code returned by the program is returned if wait = TRUE.

modalAssistant() is currently disabled, and it will thus display no dialog box and return returnValOnCancel directly.


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also

listSamples, noExtension


## Not run: 
## Create two datasets in R and ask for selecting one:
df1__ <- data.frame(x = 1:3, y = 4:6)
df2__ <- data.frame(z = 1:10)
selectObject() # Try also to click 'Cancel'
## Can select both too
selectObject(multiple = TRUE, title = "Choose one or more data.frames")
selectObject("nonexistingclass") # Returns an empty string!

## Create lists containing only data frames as components
lst1__ <- list(A = df1__, B = df2__)
lst2__ <- list(C = df1__)
selectList() # Try also to click 'Cancel'
## Can select both too
selectList(multiple = TRUE, title = "Select one or more lists")
rm(df1__, df2__, lst1__, lst2__)

## Select one or more ZooImage files
selectFile() # One Zip or Zid file

## Select groups to process
selectGroups(c("Copepods", "Appendicularians", "Medusae"))

## Start default image viewer on the current working directory

## TODO: examples for createThreshold(), startPgm() and modalAssistant()

## End(Not run)

Function to import data from the FlowCAM


These functions read data and metadata from FlowCAM runs and import them into ZooImage objects.


readFlowCAMctx(ctx, = TRUE)
readFlowCAMlst(lst, skip = 2, read.ctx = TRUE)
importFlowCAM(lst, rgb.vigs = FALSE,  type = "ZI3", replace = FALSE)



the path to a .ctx FlowCAM file.

should the process stop in case of an error? Set this to FALSE when you run in batch mode and want the error to be repported back to the calling code.


the path to a .lst FlowCAM file.


the number of lines to skip in the .lst table before reading the data. This is usally two lines.


should we also read the .ctx file with readFlowCAMctx()?


do we build color vignettes that mix OD, visual and mask in the three RGB channels? By default, not (FALSE)


the type of .zidb file to create. Currently, only supports type = "ZI3" (defaulf value).


a boolean indicating if an existing .zidb file should be replaced by a new one.


The Visual Spreadsheet software provided with the FlowCAM is constantly changing specifications from version to version. This is mainly tested with VS 1.5.14 and 3.2.3.


A zidb object with the converted data, metadata and images.


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also



## TODO...

Various utility functions used by ZooImage


These functions are usually not called directly by the user, but they are interesting for developers.


sampleInfo(filename, type = c("sample", "fraction", "image", "scs",
    "date", "id", "frac", "imgnbr"), ext = "_dat[135][.]zim$")


addClass(ZIDat, ZIobj)
calcVars(x, drop.vars = NULL, drop.vars.def = dropVars())

ecd(area, cells = 1)

parseIni(data, label = "1")



zipNoteAdd(zipfile, zimfile)
zipNoteGet(zipfile, zimfile = NULL)

makeZIVignettes(orig.dir = getwd(), target.dir = dirname(orig.dir), = FALSE)



name of a file from which to extract information. It is supposed to be spelled as: SCS.xxxx-xx-xx.SS+Fnn.ext where 'SCS' is the series-cruise-station code, 'xxxx-xx-xx' is the date of collection (year-month-day), 'SS' is the unique sample identifier, 'F' is the fraction, 'nn' is the image number (when there are several images per fraction) or 'nn.mmm' when there are 'mmm' pictures taken to cover a bigger area of cell 'nn', and 'ext' is the file extension.


the type of data to extract (see examples) for sampleInfo(), or the type of file to select in selectFile().


the pattern to use (regular expression) to eliminate file extension from the 'filename'.


a character string to rework, or a vector of character strings.


a ZooImage object (here, a 'ZIDat', 'ZIDesc', 'ZITrain' or 'ZITest' object; most probably one of the last two for addClass()).


a 'ZIDat' object, or a data frame with correct column labels.


a data frame, but most probably, a 'ZIDat' object.


a character vector with names of variables to drop, or NULL (by default) to keep them all.


a second list of variables to drop contained in a character vector. That list is supposed to match the name of variables that are obviously non informative and that are dropped by default. It can be gathered automatically using dropVars(). That list includes Id, Label, Dil, ... (see details, variables with an asterisk).


a numerical vector with areas from which ECDs are calculated (Equivalent Circular Diameter, a more suitable term for 2D images than ESD, Equivalent Spherical Diameter).


the number of cells in the particle (colony). If different from 1, the area is first divided by the number of cells bevore calculating the cell individual ECD.


a vector containing the data to parse.


a label to include for the parsed data.


an image file of O.D. calibrated items that can be used to calibrate grayscales.


a zip archive.


a .zim file to use, or to create. If NULL (default) in zipNoteGet(), the data are not written in a file, but returned.


the directory containing the data (current directory by default)


where to place the results, by defaut, the parent directory of orig.dir

should we clean intermediary items (FALSE, by default)


As these functions are not made to be directly used by end-users, We don't give more details here. Developers interested to use these functions are encouraged to look at their code in the zooimage package source!

Here is the list of all variables you got after running the standard version of calcVars() on ZIDat objects made by one of the ZooImage ImageJ plugins (you can provide your own version for, e.g., calculating more features):

Variable Description Origin
Area Area of the region of interest (ROI) ImageJ
Mean Average gray value of the ROI ImageJ
StdDev Standard deviation of the gray values ImageJ
Mode Most frequent gray value within the ROI ImageJ
Min Minimum gray value within the ROI ImageJ
Max Maximum gray value within the ROI ImageJ
X* X coordinate of the centroid of the ROI in the image ImageJ
Y* Y coordinate of the centroid of the ROI in the image ImageJ
XM* X coordinate of the center of mass of the ROI in the image ImageJ
YM* Y coordinate of the center of mass of the ROI in the image ImageJ
Perim. Perimeter of the ROI ImageJ
BX* X coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle (BR) ImageJ
BY* Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the BR ImageJ
Width* Width of the rectangle enclosing the ROI ImageJ
Height* Height of the rectangle enclosing the ROI ImageJ
Major Length of the longest axis of the ellipse fitted to the ROI ImageJ
Minor Length of the smallest axis of ellipse fitted to the ROI ImageJ
Angle* Angle between longest axis and an horizontal line ImageJ
Circ. Circularity of the ROI ImageJ
Feret Longest Feret diameter ImageJ
IntDen Sum of the gray values within the ROI ImageJ
Median Median value of the gray values within the ROI ImageJ
Skew Third order moment for the gray value ImageJ
Kurt Fourth order moment for the gray value ImageJ
XStart* X coordinate of initial point for the outline of the ROI ImageJ
YStart* Y coordinate of initial point for the outline of the ROI ImageJ
Id* Unique identifier of the ROI (Label_Item) zooimage
Label* Unique name of the image zooimage
Item* Name of the ROI zooimage
ECD Equivalent circular diameter of the ROI zooimage
Dil* Dilution coefficient to use for that ROI zooimage
AspectRatio Aspect ratio of the ROI zooimage
CentBoxD Distance between the centroid and the center of the BR zooimage
GrayCentBoxD Distance between the center of mass and the center of the BR zooimage
CentroidsD Distance between the centroid and the center mass zooimage
Range Range of the gray values in the ROI zooimage
MeanPos Position of mean gray value in the range of gray values zooimage
SDNorm Normalized standard deviation of the gray values zooimage
CV Coefficient of variation of gray values zooimage
MeanDia Mean diameter calculated on Major and Minor zooimage
MeanFDia Mean diameter calculated on Feret and Minor zooimage
Transp1 Transparency calculated using ECD and MeanDia zooimage
Transp2 Transparency calculated using ECD and MeanFDia zooimage
Elongation Elongation of the ROI zooimage
Compactness Compactness of the ROI zooimage
Roundness Roundness of the ROI zooimage
Class* Manual identification of the vignette for that ROI zooimage
Predicted* Automatic identification of the vignette for that ROI zooimage
Predicted2* Second automatic identification of the vignette for that ROI zooimage

For the origin, ImageJ = measured during image ananlysis plugin in ImageJ, zooimage = calculated either during importation of data, or by calcVars(). Variables whose name ends with an asterisk are dropped by default.


A string or vector of strings for sampleInfo(), listSamples() and makeId(). For those functions, character(0) is returned to indicate a problem (usually with a warning issued to explain it), while an empty string ("") is returned in case there is no corresponding element found.

The data.frame with additional columns for calculated variables with calcVars(). Variables to drop are gathered using dropVars(), altogether with a list provided explicitly in the drop.vars = argument. The list of variable names to drop automatically and silently can be stored in a variable named ZI.dropVarsDef or in options(ZI.dropVarsDef = ....).

A vector of numerical values for ecd().

Transformed strings for trimstring() and underscoreToSpace()

parseIni() reads the data and creates a list of data frames. Each entry in the list maps one section in the ini file (with the same name). For 'key=value' pairs, a one line data frame containing values and with keys as column names. The first column of these data frames is named label and get the corresponding value passed by the 'label' argument. That way, one can easily keep track of entries when data frames originated from various different ini files are merged together.

calibrate() returns a vector of two numbers with white and black point calibration (gray levels corresponding, respectively to O.D. = 0 and O.D. = 1.024), plus a "msg" attribute with some explanation in case of problem.

zipNoteAdd() returns TRUE or FALSE depending if the data from the zimfile was successfully added to the zip archive or not. Problem is returned in a warning. zipNoteGet() returns the comment included in the zip archive (invisibly if 'zimfile' is not NULL), character(0) if no comment if found, or NULL in case of a problem. The problem is detailled in a warning.


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also

noExtension, selectObject


# Given a correct ZooImage name for a sample, return parts of it
smp__ <- "MTLG.2010-03-15.H1+A1.03_dat1.zim"
sampleInfo(smp__, "sample")
sampleInfo(smp__, "fraction")
sampleInfo(smp__, "image")
sampleInfo(smp__, "scs")
sampleInfo(smp__, "date")
sampleInfo(smp__, "id")
sampleInfo(smp__, "frac")
sampleInfo(smp__, "imgnbr")
sampleInfo(c("ScanG16.2004-10-20+A1.tif", "ScanG16.2004-10-20+B1.tif"),
    type = "sample", ext = extensionPattern("tif"))

# Character strings manipulation functions
trimString("    \tString with\textra spaces  \t")

# Variables calculation utilities
df__ <- data.frame(Label = c("Alabel", "AnotherLabel"), Item = c("01", "02"))
ecd(1:10, cells = 2)
ecd(1:10, cells = 1:10)

### TODO: addClass(), calibrate(), calcVars(), parseIni(), zipNoteAdd() and zipNoteGet() examples

Check .zic files (ZooImage Categories)


Categories (i.e., plankton taxa), with possibly several sub-levels are defined in .zic files. This function check the files are correct.





the name of the .zic file to test.


This function return TRUE or FALSE, depending on the content of the tested file.


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also



## Check that Detailed.zic file in the /etc subdir is correct
zicCheck(file.path(svMisc::getTemp("ZIetc"), "Detailed.zic"))

Create and manipulate 'ZIClass' objects


'ZIClass' objects are key items in ZooImage. They contain all what is required for automatically classify plancton from .zid files. They can be used as blackboxes by all users (but require users trained in machine learning techniques to build them). Hence, ZooImage is made very simple for biologists that just want to use classifiers but do not want to worry about all the complexities of what is done inside the engine!


ZIClass(formula, data, method = getOption("ZI.mlearning", "mlRforest"),
    calc.vars = getOption("ZI.calcVars", calcVars), drop.vars = NULL,
    drop.vars.def = dropVars(), cv.k = 10, cv.strat = TRUE,
    ..., subset, na.action = na.omit)

## S3 method for class 'ZIClass'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ZIClass'
summary(object, = "Fscore", decreasing = TRUE,
    na.rm = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ZIClass'
predict(object, newdata, calc = TRUE, class.only = TRUE,
    type = "class", ...)
## S3 method for class 'ZIClass'
confusion(x, y = response(x), labels = c("Actual", "Predicted"),
    useNA = "ifany", prior, = TRUE, ...)



a formula with left member being the class variable and the right member being a list of predicting variables separated by a '+' sign. Since data is supposed to be previously filtered using calc.vars and the class variable in 'ZITrain' object is always named Class, the formula almost always reduces to Class ~ .


a data frame (a 'ZITrain' object usually), containing both measurement and manual classification (a factor variables usually named 'Class').


the machine learning method to use. It should produce results compatible with mlearning objects as returned by the various mlXXX() functions in the mlearning package. By default, the random forest algorithm is used (it is among the ones that give best result with plankton).


a function to use to calculate variables from the original data frame.


a character vector with names of variables to drop for the classification, or NULL (by default) to keep them all.


a second list of variables to drop contained in a character vector. That list is supposed to match the name of variables that are obviously non informative and are dropped by default. It can be gathered automatically using dropVars(). See ?calcVars for more details.


the k times for cross-validation.


do we use a stratified sampling for cross-validation? (recommended).


further arguments to pass to the classification algorithm (see help of that particular function).


an expression for subsetting to original data frame.


the function to filter the initial data frame for missing values. Althoung the default in R is, leading to failure if at least one NA is found in the data frame, the default here is na.omit which leads to elimination of all lines containing at least one NA. Take care about how many items remain, if you encounter many NAs in your dataset!


a 'ZIClass' object.


a 'ZIClass' object.


a 'ZIDat' object, or a 'data.frame' to use for prediction.

the statistics to use to sort the table (by default, F-score).


do we sort in increasing or decreasing order?


do we eliminate entries with missing data first (using na.omit())?


a boolean indicating if variables have to be recalculated before running the prediction.


if TRUE, return just a vector with classification, otherwise, return the 'ZIDat' object with 'Predicted' column appended to it.


the type of result to return, "class" by default. No other value is permitted if class.only is FALSE.


a factor with reference classes.


labels to use for, respectively, the reference class and the predicted class.


do we keep NAs as a separate category? The default "ifany" creates this category only if there are missing values. Other possibilities are "no", or "always". The default is suitable for test sets because unclassified items (those in the "\_" directory or one of its subdirectories) get NA for Class.


class frequencies to use for first classifier that is tabulated in the rows of the confusion matrix. This is either a single positive numeric to set all class frequencies to this value (use 1 for relative frequencies and 100 for relative freqs in percent), or a vector of positive numbers of the same length as the levels in the object. If the vector is named, names must match levels. Alternatively, providing NULL or an object of null length resets row class prefencies into their initial values.

the predicted values extracted from the 'ZIClass' object can either be the predicted values from the training set, or the cross-validated predictions (by default). Most of the time, you want the cross-validated predictions, which allows for not (or less) biased evaluation of the classifier prediction... So, if you don't know, you are probably better leaving the default value.


ZIClass() is the constructor that build the 'ZIClass' object. print(), summary() and predict()) are the methods to print the object, to calculate statistics on this classifier based on the confusion matrix and to predict groups for ZooImage samples, using one 'ZIClass' object.


Always analyze carefully the properties, performances and limitations of a 'ZIClass' object before using it to classify objects of one series. For instance, you can use confusion() to compare two classifiers, or an automatic classifier with a manual classification done by a taxonomists. Always respect the limitations in the use of a 'ZIClass' object (for instance, a classifier specific of one given series should not be used to classify items in a different series)! It is a good practice to make a report, documenting a 'ZIClass' object, together with the comments of taxonomists that made the reference training set, and with details on the analysis of the performances of the classifier.


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also

getTrain, confusion



Manage .zid files (ZooImage Data)


Compress, uncompress and verify ZooImage Data files.


zidCompress(zidir, type = c("ZI1", "ZI2", "ZI3", "ZI4", "ZI5"), check = TRUE,
    check.vignettes = TRUE, replace = FALSE, delete.source = replace)
zidCompressAll(path = ".", samples = NULL, type = c("ZI1", "ZI2", "ZI3", "ZI4", "ZI5"),
    check = TRUE, check.vignettes = TRUE, replace = FALSE,
    delete.source = replace)

zidClean(path = ".", samples = NULL)
zidDatMake(zidir, type = "ZI5", replace = FALSE)

zidUncompress(zidfile, path = dirname(zidfile), delete.source = FALSE)
zidUncompressAll(path = ".", zidfiles = zidList(path, full.names = TRUE),
    path.extract = path, skip.existing.dirs = TRUE, delete.source = FALSE)

zidVerify(zidir, type = c("ZI1", "ZI2", "ZI3", "ZI4", "ZI5"), check.vignettes = TRUE)
zidVerifyAll(path = ".", samples = NULL, type = c("ZI1", "ZI2", "ZI3", "ZI4", "ZI5"),
    check.vignettes = TRUE)



a directory containing data to put in a .zid files.


the ZI file format, currently 'ZI1', 'ZI2', 'ZI3', 'ZI4', or 'ZI5' types are supported (ZooImage1-5).


do we check the files in this directory before/after compression?


do we check if the future .zid file contains all vignettes?


do we replace existing files?


do we delete source files after compression?


(un)compress or verify all subdirectories (except those starting with '\_') in respective .zid files. Also, a place where to put uncompressed files (in the 'sample' subdirectory).


a list of 'samples', i.e., subdirectories to process.


a .zid file to uncompress or read from.


a series of .zid files to uncompress.


a place where to extract data from .zid files.


do not unzip if the subdir already exists.


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also




Manage .zidb files (ZooImage Databases)


Compress, uncompress .zidb files that contain data for a sample. Starting from ZooImage 3, the new format uses filehash tables for better performances. Conversion from and to the old .zid format (a zip archive indeed) is supported for compatibility with old datasets. Display content of a .zidb file is a simple way (both data/metadata and vignettes)


zidbMake(zidir, zidbfile = paste0(sub("[/\\]+$", "", zidir), ".zidb"), zisfile =
    file.path(dirname(zidir), "Description.zis"), type = "ZI5", smptime = "",
    check = FALSE, check.vignettes = FALSE, replace = FALSE, delete.source = replace)
zidbMakeAll(path = ".", samples, zisfiles = file.path(dirname(samples),
    "Description.zis"), type = "ZI5", check = FALSE,
    check.vignettes = FALSE, replace = FALSE, delete.source = replace)

zidToZidb(zidfile, zisfile = file.path(dirname(zidfile),
    "Description.zis"), replace = FALSE, delete.source = replace)
zidToZidbAll(path = ".", zidfiles, zisfiles = file.path(dirname(zidfiles),
    "Description.zis"), replace = FALSE, delete.source = replace)
zidbToZid(zidbfile, zisfile = file.path(dirname(zidbfile),
    "Description.zis"), replace = FALSE, delete.source = replace)
zidbToZidAll(path = ".", zidbfiles, zisfiles = file.path(dirname(zidbfiles),
    "Description.zis"), replace = FALSE, delete.source = replace)

zidbSummary(zidbfile, n = 3)

zidbPlotNew(main = "ZooImage collage", ...)
zidbDrawVignette(rawimg, type, item, nx = 5, ny = 5, vmar = 0.01)
zidbPlotPage(zidbfile, page = 1, title = NULL, type = "guess", method = NULL,
class = NULL)



a directory containing data to put in a .zidb files.


the path of the .zidb file.


the path of a series of .zidb files.


the path of a .zid file.


the path of a series of .zid files.


the path of the .zis file that contains description of this sample.


the path of a series of .zis files that contain description of the processed samples.


the ZI file format, currently only 'ZI5' type is supported. For zidbDrawVignette() and zidbPlotPage(), it is the type of vignette image. Currently, it can be either "jpg", or "png". If not provided, or if type = "guess" it will be guessed by the function.


the time the sample was collected. This value will replace a <<<TIME>>> placeholder in the metadata. You can also use <<<SMP>>> and <<<DATE>>> placeholders in corresponding metadata and they will be replaced by values computed from the sample name.


do we check the files in this directory before/after compression?


do we check if the future .zidb file contains all vignettes? This is FALSE by default because they may not exist yet. This is the case when they are generated on the fly, like in the new version 5.5 processes.


do we replace existing files?


do we delete source files after compression?


the number of line of the data to print. If n <= 0 no data is printed (only metadata).


look for files in this path.


a list of 'samples', i.e., subdirectories to process.


the title of the new plot.


further arguments passed to the plot() function.


the raw content of a vignette, as stored in a .zidb file.


the item number to draw (enumeration from left to right and from top to bottom).


the number of vignettes in a column.


the number of vignettes in a row.


the relative size of vignette margins.


the page to display (each page contains 25 vignettes).


the title of the page.


the name of the validation method to use to extract validation data.


a character vector with one or more classes for the validation data that we want to keep.


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also




ZIE (ZooImage Extension) manipulate .zie files to add custom import, export, etc. routines to ZooImage


A .zie file describes sequentially images and tells how to convert and rename them and automates creation of associated metadata (.zim files). At the end of the process, one ends with complete and fully usable information (both the images with correct format/name and the metadata), so that you can proceed in ZooImage with imported data.


zieMake(path = ".", Filemap = "Import_Table.zie", check = TRUE, replace = FALSE, = TRUE, zip.images = "[.]tif$")

zieCompile(path = ".", Tablefile = "Table.txt", Template = "ImportTemplate.zie",
    Filemap = paste("Import_", noExtension(Tablefile), ".zie", sep = ""),
    Nrange = c(1, 1000), replace = TRUE, = FALSE,
    zip.images = "[.]tif$")
zieCompileFlowCAM(path = ".", Tablefile, Template = "ImportTemplate.zie",
    check.names = TRUE)

ZIE(title, filter, description, pattern, command, author, version, date,
    license, url, depends = "R (>= 2.4.0), zooimage (>= 1.0-0)",
    type = c("import", "export"))
## S3 method for class 'ZIE'
print(x, ...)



path where the images and the .zie file are located.


do wr check names in the .zie and .txt files?


name of the .zie file mapping images to convert.


do we check if conversion programs (if any needed) are available?


do we replace existing files (not used yet)?

do we move processed files to the '_raw' subdirectory (currently, it is always the case)?


the pattern to use for images extension in the zipped file.


a tab-delimited ASCII file containing a table defining samples and samples characteristics used to compile .zim files and to convert/rename images.


a template to use for creating the .zie file.


A range (two integers) giving min and max number of images for each sample/fraction.

do we make the .zie (run its commands) after compiling it?


the title of the ZooImage Extension.


a filter to apply to select concerned files.


a short description of the ZooImage Extension.


a regular expression to use to select concerned files.


a string holding the R command to run to convert images.


who wrote and maintains the ZooImage Extension? Please, provide also an email address.


version of the ZooImage Extension as x.y-z, in a string.


date at which the extension was compiled as yyyy-mm-dd.


which are the license terms for this ZooImage Extension?


a link to a web page dedicated to this ZooImage Extension.


which R packages does this ZooImage Extension requires?


type of ZooImage extension; currently, only "import" or "export".


a ZIE object.


further arguments passes to the function (currently not in use).


zieMake(), zieCompile() and zieCompileFlowCAM() are invoked for their side-effects of importing images and metadata into a format that ZooImage can use. The first two functions return TRUE or FALSE, depending if the importation was done without errors, or not. More information is issued as warnings. The last function returns the name of the .zie file resulting from the compilation. It returns NULL in case it failed to compile the .zie file.

ZIE() creates a 'ZIE' object that describes a ZooImage Extension and allows to plug it in transparently inside the ZooImage GUI. print.ZIE() nicely formats the content of this objects when using the generic function print().


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also




### For programmers ###
# Adding a new import filter is just a mather of writing the importation function
# and making it available to users by means of a ZIEimport object.

Manipulate .zim files (ZooImage Metadata/Measurements)


Various fonctions to manipulate ZooImage Metadata in .zim format (either '*.zim', or '*_datX.zim' files).


zimCreate(zimfile, template = NULL, edit = TRUE, editor =
    getOption("fileEditor"), wait = FALSE)
zimEdit(zimfile, editor = getOption("fileEditor"), wait = FALSE, ...)
zimMake(dir = ".", pattern = extensionPattern("tif"), images =
    list.files(dir, pattern))

zimExtractAll(zipdir = ".", zipfiles = zipList(zipdir), path = NULL,
    replace = FALSE)
zimUpdateAll(zipdir = ".", zipfiles = zipList(zipdir), zimdir = NULL,
    check.zim = TRUE)

zimVerify(zimfile, is.dat1 = hasExtension(zimfile, "_dat1.zim"),
    check.table = FALSE)

zimDatMakeFlowCAMAll(path = ".", zimfiles = NULL)



a .zim file.


a list of .zim files to use.


a .zim template to start with, if the .zim file does not exist yet.


do we edit the .zim file that we just created?


a program to use for editing the .zim file.


do we wait that the file is edited? In this case, R is frozen until the editor is closed.


a directory where .zim files will be created.


the pattern matching for automatically listed images that require a .zim file.


the list of images requiring a .zim file (either all image matching 'pattern' in 'dir', or provide your own listing here).


a directory where to find .zip files.


a list of .zip files (by default, all .zip files in 'zipdir').


the path where to extract zims. If NULL, it is computed from zipdir: it is either the same path, or the parent directory if last directory is named '_raw'.


do we replace existing .zim files?


the directory where the .zim files are located.


do we verify .zim files before refreshing metadata in .zip files?


is it a '\_dat1.zim' file, that is a file collecting metadata AND objects measurements?


try to read the table of measurements in the '[Data]' section. Ignored if is.dat1 = FALSE.


further arguments passed to the fileEdit().


ZooImage Metadata/Measurements ('.zim' and '_dat1.zim' files, respectively) are text files containing metadata (that is, additional information required to process the images, like sample identification, information about collection and process of the sample, digitizing hardware and software, etc.). These metadata are represented as a pair 'key' = 'value' in ANSI encoding and are organized into sections written in square brackets on a separate line. For instance, '[Subsample]' defines a 'Subsample' section. The first line of .zim files must always be 'ZI1' in the case of ZooImage version 1, 'ZI2' for version 2, and 'ZI3' for current version. This identifiant allows for making incompatible changes in future versions without taking the risk to accidentally try processing these newer versions with an old, incompatible version of ZooImage in the future. Here are the first few lines of an example .zim file: for instance).

Hardware=EPSON 4870
Software=VueScan 8.0.10  # See ZooImage.ini file for VueScan config

After 'ZI3' in the first line, there is a definition of an 'Image' section, with two keys: 'Hardware' with value 'EPSON 4870' and 'Software' with value 'VueScan 8.0.10', followed by a comment (everything after the '#' sign). Take care: since '#' defines a comment, do not use it, neither in keys, nor in values!

Take care to define unique keys accross all sections! The section are just there to organize your metadata into logical subunits... but they are not considered in the process. If you define a key named 'mykey' both in '[Section1]' and in '[Section2]', only the first occurence of 'mykey' will be used by ZooImage!

The ZooImage Measurements ('_dat1.zim' files) are structured the same way, but there is a special '[Data]' section at the end that contains a tab-delimited table with all measurements done on identified objects, during the image analysis (process of the images). This table starts with a header naming the colums, with two first columns being necessary '!Item' and 'Label'. 'Label' is the name of the image where the object is found and 'Item' is a unique identifier (usually a number) given to that object in the image (i.e., Label+Item is the unique identifier of each object in the whole series). The other columns define the measurements done on the objects (area, perimeter, length, distribution of gray levels, etc.). The amount and name of measurements are not fixed. It is the particular ImageJ plugin that you use to process your image that defines them (it means that adding new measurements is very easy to do and they are automatically considered by ZooImage).

Note that these measurements are converted using calibration information, if available. That is, lengths are in microns, surfaces are in squre microns and gray levels are in OD (Optical Densities), so that, measurements are comparable from picture to picture, even if spatial resolution or distribution of gray levels (contrast, luminosity, ...) are not exactly the same in all images of the series! The table must also contains four additional columns with obligatory names being 'BX', 'BY', 'Width', 'Height'. There are the coordinates of the top-left corner of the bounding box around the object (BX, BY) and the Width and Height of this box. These fields are required to locate the object in the original image. Here is a short abstract of a [Data] section:

... (metadata definitions as above)

!Item  Label    Area    Perim.  ...(other mes.)  BX     BY    Width  Height
1      Smp1+A1  0.4634  0.0582  ...              28.89  0.20  1.42   0.83
2      Smp1+A1  0.0705  0.0244  ...              72.40  0.35  2.33   32.16
3      Smp1+A2  0.0498  0.0566  ...              75.43  0.69  75.44  0.70

The reasons to choose such a simple text format for representing metadata is simplicity and flexibility. Plain text files are readable by any computer program and no sophisticated database engine, or database structure, is required to represent those data. Also, besides obligatory fields in the metadata sections, you can add as many key=value entries as you need to collect together the metadata required in your particular application. ZooImage will automatically read them and store them at the right place, available to you at any time during your analyses in ZooImage! That way, ZooImage is very flexible and capable to process many different kinds of data, even most exotic ones.

zimCreate() and zimEdit() call the associated metadata editor (by default, the one defined as options(fileEditor = ....). By default, it is the same program as used by fileEdit() in the svMisc package. You can also use a spreadsheet, like Excel, Gnumeric, or OpenOffice Calc to edit these files. This is particularly useful for the tabular '[Data]' section, more comfortably edited in as a spreadsheed. Just save your file as dQuotetab-delimited text file when you have done and close the spreadsheet program (Excel won't allow ZooImage to access the .zim file when the file is opened as a spreadsheet). Just redefine options(fileEditor = ...) to use, e.g, Excel automatically with ZooImage (full path of the 'Excel.exe' file).

zimMake() creates one or more .zim files corresponding to the selected list of images provided in 'images', and allows for editing them one-by-one. It is the basic function for creating all .zim files manually for a set of images to be analyzed in ZooImage. See also zieMake() for an alternative, and automatic way to create all those .zim files.

zimExtractAll() and zimUpdateAll() work in conjonction with zipped TIFF image, as obtained by zipImg() and zipImgAll() (also done using zidCompress). In these .zip files, metadata is located in the zip archive comment. This comment is extracted into corresponding .zim file by zimExtractAll() for one or several zip archives. On the other hand, these comments are updated in the zip archive with latest information present in .zim files using zimUpdateAll().

The last functions are auxiliary utilities to deal with .zim files (see also zimList()). isZim() simply checks if the file is a correct .zim file, checking first line of the file that must be 'ZI1-3' for ZooImage version 1-3. This routine returns TRUE or FALSE according to the result (the file extension is also checked if check.ext = TRUE).

Finally, zimVerify() is a very important function. It checks the validity and syntax of any .zim file. All required fields are checked. In case of an error, the function returns an explicit error message as a character string. On the other hand, if the verification process succeeds, the function returns a number corresponding to the number of objects whose measurements are recorded in the data table (for a '_dat1.zim' file), or '0' (zero, no measurements) for a '.zim' file containing only metadata.

zimVerify() checks for the presence of required fields. For .zim files: Section '[Image]' with 'Author', 'Hardware', 'Software' and 'ImageType' (for instance, "trans_16bits_gray" for a 16bit graylevels picture obtained by transparency, that is, using transmitted light) fields, section '[Fraction]' with 'Code' (A, B, C, ...), 'Min' and 'Max' (the minimum and maximum mesh sizes used to fraction the sample, or -1 if Min and or Max sieves are not used) and section '[Subsample]' with fields 'Subpart' (a number indicating how much of the fraction is actually digitized, for instance, 0.15 for 15% of the fraction), 'SubMethod' (volumetry, Motoda, etc.), 'CellPart' (the fraction of the digitizing cell actually covered by all images made), 'Replicates', 'VolIni' (the volume of seawater, in cubic meters or any of your favored unit, that was collected in the sea for this sample) and 'VolPrec', the precision at which 'VolIni' is measured, expressed in the same unit.

For '_dat1.zim' files, the function checks for the presence of all the previous fields, plus: '[Process]' section with fields 'Version' (version of the processing function), 'Method' (method used to process the images), 'MinSize', 'MaxSize' (the minimum and maximum ecd -equivalent circular diameter- of the particule to be considered and measured), 'Calibration' (data for gray levels calibration) and 'ProcessPixSize' (data for spatial calibration: size of one pixel in microns, or any of your favorite length unit). Column headers 'Item', 'Label', 'BX', 'BY', 'Height', 'Width', plus at least one additional measrurement are checked too. If check.table = TRUE, the function also tries to read the table of measurements and checks for its integrity (it takes longer for checking many large '_dat1.zim' files!).


zimCreate(), zimEdit(), zimMake() are invoked for their side-effect of creating and/or editing .zim files on disk. zimCreate() returns TRUE invisibly, in case of successfull creation of all required .zim files, FALSE otherwise (details of problems are returned using warnings. The same mechanism (returning TRUE or FALSE invisibly, with detailled description of the problem in warnings) is used by zimExtractAll() and zimUpdateAll() also called for their side-effects of manipulating .zim/.zip files.

isZim() simply returns TRUE or FALSE.

zimVerify() returns an integer in case of successful verification of the .zim file. This integer represents the number of objects in the measurement table (zero, if there is no '[Data]' section in the file, see hereunder). In the case of an error during verification, the function returns a character string with explicit description of the problem.

zimDatMakeFlowCAM() and zimDatMakeAllFlowCAM() are, as you expect, special functions to transform FlowCAM metadata into dat1.zim formats. They return TRUE or FALSE invisibly, and issue warnings in case of problems.


Developers have the opportunity to add custom fields (both sections and keys in these sections) to be checked by zimVerify(), in order to match specific uses of ZooImage. Since the verification of metadata is a critical step in the analysis, they are strongly encouraged to add such custom rules: the default checking procedure is very basic!

There are two possible ways to extend verification: adding fields in the list of required ones, or using a custom function. The second solution is more complex, but you have the possibility to check also the values associated with keys, where the first solution just check the presence of those keys, no mathers the values associated with them. You can combine both approaches.

To add required keys to be checked, just create an option(ZI.zim = list(....)) with a list of four components: "zim.required", "dat1.zim.required", "" and "active". Put the list of sections (between square brackets) and keys that must be present in the '.zim' files in "zim.required" and those that must be present in the '_dat1.zim' files in "dat1.zim.required" components. Place a list of column headers that you need in the [Data] table in the "" component of the list. The "active" component must be TRUE to activate the verification of these extra fields and column headers (otherwise, they are ignored). See the example hereunder.

To add your own verification rules, add a R function in the "verify" component of the list. That function should be defined as: function(zimfile, ...) # Your code here and it should return either "" (if no error found), or an explicit message in case of error(s).

Alternatively, you can completelly redefine zimVerify() in the "verify.all" component of the list. In this case, the other rules are completelly ignored, and you must perform the whole treatment in your function (start from the code of zimVerify() to make sure your own function has a similar behaviour!

Look at examples, and you will better understand how this works!


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also

zieMake, zipImg, zidCompress, , fileEdit


## Create a minimalist .zim file from current template
(zimfile <- paste(tempfile(), "zim", sep = "."))
zimCreate(zimfile, edit = FALSE)

## Display its content
if (interactive())

## List .zim files in the temporary directory

## Is this a correct .zim file?
zimVerify(zimfile) # Returns 0 => verification OK, with 0 records in [Data]

## The rest of this example is for programmers
## Add more required sections and keys for metadata verifications
## Add more required columns in the table of measurements
options(ZI.zim = list(active = TRUE,
    zim.required = c("[NewSection]", "requiredkey1", "requiredkey2"),
    dat1.zim.required = c("[PostProcess]", "requiredkey3"), = c("Area", "Perim.", "Circ.", "Feret")))
try(zimVerify(zimfile)) # Of course, these new keys are missing!

## Now, inactivate these extra verifications without deleting them
oZI.zim <- getOption("ZI.zim")
oZI.zim$active <- FALSE
options(ZI.zim = oZI.zim)
rm(oZI.zim) # not needed any more
zimVerify(zimfile) # This time, extra verifications are not used any more => OK!

## Add some verification code to the existing verification procedure
options(ZI.zim = list(active = TRUE,
    verify = function (zimfile, ...) {
        # Your verification code here, for instance:
        Lines <- scan(zimfile, character(), sep = "\t", skip = 1, flush = TRUE,
		    quiet = TRUE, comment.char = "#")
        ## Check if 'Code=B' or 'Code=C', using regular expression
        ## Extra spaces are allowed before and after '=', and after the value
        if (length(grep("^Code\\s*=\\s*[B|C]\\s*$", Lines)) == 0) {
            ## The condition is not matched!
            return("[Fraction] Code must be either 'B', or 'C'!")
        } else {
            ## Everything is fine: return an empty string
try(zimVerify(zimfile)) # Since Code=A, verification fails!

## Reset original verification rules
options(ZI.zim = NULL)

## Erase the example .zim file

Zip and unzip raw .tif images for ZooImage and embed metadata


Perform simple zip/unzip operations on images. Corresponding metadata from .zim files are embedded as zip comments.


zipImg(imagefile, zimfile = NULL, check.zim = TRUE, replace = FALSE,
    delete.source = FALSE)
zipImgAll(path = ".", images = NULL, check.zim = TRUE, replace = FALSE,
    delete.source = FALSE)
unzipImg(zipfile, replace = FALSE, delete.source = FALSE)
unzipImgAll(path = ".", zipfiles = NULL, replace = FALSE,
    delete.source = FALSE)



file path of the .tif image to compress.


file path of the corresponding .zim file (calculated automatically if NULL, by default).


do we verify the .zim file before zipping data?


do we replace existing .zip files?


should the original .tif file be deleted (the .zim file is never deleted)?


directory where .tif images to be zipped are located.


a list of .tif images to zip. If NULL, the list of all .tif images present in path is computed.


a zipfile to unzip.


a list of zipfiles to unzip. If NULL, a list of all .zip files found is path is calculated.


All these functions are designed to be run in batch mode. Problems are reported as warnings, and the function always returns TRUE or FALSE, depending if the process succeeds or fails. The xxxAll() functions are convenient wrapper around batch() to process several items in a row. Take care that, despite the functions possibly use internal R code to zip or unzip files, they still need the zip and unzip programs for injecting and extracting .zim files metadata in the .zip archive!


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also

zipNoteAdd, zipNoteGet


## Create a fake example of two .tif images and their associated .zim files
testdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "ziptest")
file.copy(system.file("examples", "BIO.2000-05-05.p72.zid",
    package = "zooimage"), testdir)
curdir <-setwd(testdir)
unzip("BIO.2000-05-05.p72.zid", junkpaths = TRUE)
## Keep only first 3 image plus the .zim file
unlink(dir(pattern = "[.]jpg$")[-(1:3)])
## Rename .jpg images, pretending they are .tif images
jpgFiles <- dir(pattern = "[.]jpg$")
tifFiles <- sub("[.]jpg$", ".tif", jpgFiles)
file.rename(jpgFiles, tifFiles)
## Recreate the .zim file
zimData <- readLines("BIO.2000-05-05.p72+A_dat1.zim", n = 32)
zimFile <- "BIO.2000-05-05.p72+A_.zim"
writeLines(zimData, zimFile)
## Here is what we got...

## Zip first image...
## It is added in the _raw subdirectory
zipDir <- file.path(".", "_raw")

## Now, zip all images in batch and delete sources
(zipImgAll(".", delete.source = TRUE))
dir() # .zim files are never deleted!
(zipFiles <- dir(zipDir, full.names = TRUE)) # All three are there
## Force delete of the .zim file

## Unzip first zip file...
## The image and .zim file are recreated
## Check extracted .zim file
#####all(readLines(zimFile) == zimData)

## Unzip all images...
(unzipImgAll(zipDir, replace = TRUE, delete.source = TRUE))
## All original files are there...
## and the _raw subdir is now empty

## Reset and clean up
unlink(testdir, recursive = TRUE)
rm(testdir, curdir, jpgFiles, tifFiles, zimFile, zimData, zipDir, zipFiles)

Various function to calculate results ('ZIRes' object)


Having classified items in a 'ZIDat' object, these function calculate various statistic descriptors of whole samples (abundances, biomasses, size spectra) and they collect them together in a 'ZIRes' object.


processSample(x, sample, keep = NULL,
    detail = NULL, classes = "both", header = c("Abd", "Bio"),
    cells = NULL, biomass = NULL, breaks = NULL)
processSampleAll(path = ".", zidbfiles, ZIClass = NULL, keep = NULL,
    detail = NULL, classes = "both", header = c("Abd", "Bio"),
    cells = NULL, biomass = NULL, breaks = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'ZIRes'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ZIRes'
rbind(..., deparse.level = 1)



a 'ZIDat' object or similar data frame for processSample(), or a 'ZIRes' object for the other functions.


the sample 'Id' to use for selecting items of one sample only, in case the object contains data for several samples. It should not be the case for 'ZIDat' objects, and you do not have to provide this argument then.


a character vector with names of the levels to keep in the analysis for the classes, or NULL to keep them all.


a character vector with names of classes for which to calculate separate statistics. The special levels [other] and [total] are also added. If NULL, only the total for the sample is returned.


a character string with "Class" to use the manual classification for splitting particles in the sample, or "Predicted" to use automatic classification, or "both" (default) to use Class in priority, but falling back to Predicted for particles whose Class is not defined. One can also specify the name of another factor variable in x.


a character vector with one or two strings to use as headers for, respectively, abundances and biomasses.


the path to an .rds file containing cells counting models, as used by cellCompute().


a specification for biomass conversion. Can be NULL (by default) for turning off biomass calculation, or a numeric vector of three values P1, P2 and P3 (same biomass for all classes with Bio = P1 * ECD^P3 + P2), or a data frame with the name of classes in first column, P1, P2 and P3 in columns 2 to 4. You must also provide one line with class "[other]" that is used for biomass claculation for classes not otherwise specified.


either NULL (default) to turn off size spectra calculations or a numeric vector for ECD classes breaks.


the path containing your ZIDB or ZID files to use for samples processing.


a list of ZIDB or ZID files to process in batch.


a 'ZIClass' object to use to classify particles during the process of your samples.


further arguments passed to the methods


integer controlling the way labels are constructed for non-matrix-like arguments (defined in the generic, but not used here).


Philippe Grosjean & Kevin Denis

See Also




Manipulate .zis files (ZooImage Samples description)


Additional data concerning the samples are collected together in .zis files. These functions manipulate such .zis files.


zisCreate(zisfile, template = NULL, edit = TRUE, editor =
    getOption("fileEditor"), wait = FALSE)
zisEdit(zisfile, editor = getOption("fileEditor"), wait = FALSE, ...)
zisRead(zisfile = "Description.zis", expected.sections =
    c("Description", "Series", "Cruises", "Stations", "Samples"))



the name of the .zis file to manipulate (usually, "Description.zis").


a .zis template to start with, if the .zis file does not exist yet.


do we edit the .zis file after its creation?


the program to use to edit the .zis file.


do we wait that edition of file is done?


list of the sections that must be present in the .zis file.


further arguments to pass to fileEdit().


zisRead() returns a 'ZIDesc' object containing all the data in the .zis file, or, in case of fealure (detailed in a warning), it returns NULL. The two other functions return TRUE or FALSE invisibly, depending if the .zis file could be created/edited or not.


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also

zidCompress, fileEdit


## Read content of the example zis file
zisFile <- system.file("examples", "Description.zis", package = "zooimage")
zisData <- zisRead(zisFile)
zisData  # These are data for samples
attr(zisData, "metadata")  # Further data (for the series) here

## Create a new .zis file in tempdir using the example .zis file as template
zisNew <- file.path(tempdir(), "Description.zis")
zisCreate(zisNew, template = zisFile, edit = FALSE)  # One can edit it here too

## Edit the new file, and wait edition is completed
zisEdit(zisNew, wait = TRUE)
## It contains:
if (interactive()), title = basename(zisNew), delete.file = TRUE)

## Clean up
rm(zisFile, zisData, zisNew)

Manipulate training and testsets 'ZITrain'/'ZITest' objects


'ZITrain' contain a hierarchy of classes (taxonomic or not) and a link to a series of items belonging to these classes. It can be obtained after manual or automatic classification of various objects from .zid or .zidb files. 'ZITest' objects are almost identical, but with a constraint on the classes that must match the ones of the reference 'ZItrain' or 'ZIClass' object (a necessity to allow for comparisons)!


prepareTrain(traindir, zidbfiles, template = c("[Basic]", "[Detailed]",
    "[Very detailed]"), classes = NULL, ...)
addToTrain(traindir, zidbfiles, classes = NULL, ...)
getTrain(traindir, creator = NULL, desc = NULL, keep_ = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)

prepareTest(testdir, zidbfiles, template, classes = NULL, ...)
addToTest(testdir, zidbfiles, classes = NULL, ...)
getTest(testdir, creator = NULL, desc = NULL, keep_ = NA, na.rm = FALSE)

cellModel(train, traindir, class, method = "mda")
cellCompute(data, cellModels)
cellCount(traindir, class, reset = FALSE)

template(object, ...)
## Default S3 method:
template(object, ...)

recode(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ZITrain'
recode(object, new.levels, depth, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ZITest'
recode(object, new.levels, depth, ...)




the root directory of the training set.


the root directory of the test set.


.zidb files or .zid files to use for data and vignettes in the training set.


file containing subdirectories template to use for creating classes in the training or test set. Either a defaut template between [], or the name of a .zic file, or a template extracted from a 'ZITrain' or 'ZIClass' object using template(object) (with the add.others argument to TRUE for prepareTest() and to FALSE for prepareTrain())


if vignettes are already classified in the zid(b) files, should they be sorted that way in the created training or test set? If not NULL, indicate the name of the classification column (usually, Class for manual classification or Predicted for automatic predictions). This can also be a 'ZIClass' or 'mlearning' object that will be used for classification of the particles first, ... or it can be a function that does the classification.


name of the author of this classification (or the method, if done automatically).


a short description of this manual classification.


do we keep items in the '\_' subdirectory (corresponding to unclassified ones)? Default to FALSE in getTrain() and to NA for getTest(), which transforms all items in the '\_' or one of its subdirectories into missing data.


do we remove item with missing data? By default, not.


a ZITrain file to use for building the model.


a character string with the name of the class to process.


a character string with the nazme of the predictive method to use: "lm", "lda" or "mda" (by default).


a sample containing the particles to count.


the file containing the models for cells countings.


do we reset excisting counts for that class? By default, no.


a 'ZITrain' or 'ZITest' object. For prepareTest(), a 'ZITrain' or 'ZIClass' object to use as reference to determine the classes to make.


a character string of same length as the levels of object$Class with the labels of the new levels.


the depth in the hierachy of the classes as in the "path" attribute of the object to use for recoding classes. If this argument is provided, new.levels is ignored and recomputed (and a warning is issued if both arguments are provided).


further arguments passed to the method. For prepareXXX() and addToXXX(), it is further arguments passed to the prediction function provided in classes, or to the predict() method for 'ZIClass' or 'mlearning' objects.


Philippe Grosjean <[email protected]>

See Also


